The Muslim Trader (Part Ten)

Recently, an entrepreneurship programme was organised by a non-governmental organisation to sensitise many youth seeking gainful employment on what to do and how to go about it in order to become job creators rather than job seekers. One of the areas identified as a lucrative business is PIG FARMING.

The organiser of the event assured the listeners of the ready market for pork because it is in high demand based on its consumption in many parts of the world. He said: ” Pork is the most popular meat in the Western world, particularly Central Europe. It is also very popular in East and Southeast Asia… pork is used in making bacon, ham, and sausage that are widely consumed in many parts of the world.”

The speaker spoke at length to convince his audience of why they should take to pig farming. He said:” Pig farming is not only profitable, it guarantees between 15 – 35 % returns on investment. It has the potential to expand quickly… Pig production provides quick turnover on investment compared with cattle… It takes 22 – 26 weeks for a pig to mature from birth to slaughter weight. With a constantly rising demand and a favourable market, pig farming offers the potential for significant profitability. ” The conclusion of the lecture was so fascinating, and assuring that nearly every participant wanted to go into pig farming almost immediately he said :” Nigeria’s agricultural sector is brimming with opportunities, and pig farming stands out as a particularly promising venture… the demand for pork in Nigeria is skyrocketing. ”

Any unemployed person in the audience who is eagerly searching for a job would not hesitate to jump at the business proposal as outlined by the speaker. It is only the Muslim who understands his religion and comprehends its teaching while he fully accepts the ethos of Islam that will realise that there is no alternative to whatever Sharī’ah stands for. He knows and accepts that it does not behove any Muslim to act contrary to whatever Allah and His Messenger, Muhammad (SAW), decide other than “We hear and we obey” (Q.24:51-52 & Q.33:36). There is no room for argument or rationalisation. He knows that the guidance contained in the Qur’an is better than any other one. (Q.17:9).

Allah, in four places in the Qur’an declared pork as Harām. It is forbidden, and it is unlawful. See Q.6:145; 2:173; 5:3 & 16:115. The meat of swine, that is, pork in Q.6:115, among some other things, is said to be impure. It is RIJSUN, which has many meanings, including filth, abomination, impurity and evil. Anything described in the Qur’an as rijsun must be avoided. Q.9:95 & 22:30.

Muslims are enjoined to eat Halāl, lawful food only; food that is Tayyib (good). Incidentally, this injunction also occurs four times in the Qur’an – Q.2:168; 5:88; 8:69 & 16:114.

Dutiful Muslims are always conscious of this injunction on eating Halāl food only. This also explains why such Muslims are always inquisitive, finding out the contents of what they are served, especially in hotels, restaurants, or in an unfamiliar terrain to ensure that they consume Halāl foods only. Beware of taking bacon, sausage, ham and salami. They are foods made of pork.

Pig is a dirty animal that should be avoided. Some scholars have carried out research on the animal that confirms the stand of the Qur’an on it. For example, Dr. Josh Axe, in his paper titled:” You should avoid pork…” (2023) said :” Pigs are dirty animals. They are considered the garbage and waste eliminators of the farm, often eating literally anything they can find… including their own faeces, as well as the dead carcasses of sick animals and their own young.”

Pigs carry a variety of parasites in their bodies and meat. Some of the parasites are said to be difficult to kill even with cooking. They include trichinosis or trichinellosis. Pigs are primary carriers of :Taenio solium, tapeworm, Hepatitis E virus; Nipah virus, etc.

According to the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, swine flu viruses are endemic among pig populations in the United States.

Undoubtedly, pigs are filthy. They are unclean. They are scavengers devouring anything that comes their way, including the carcasses of any dead animals and humans. Anyone who eats pork is not different from pigs going by the views of Anthelme Brillat Savarin, who said in 1826, “You are what you eat.” Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach in 1863 also re-echoed the statement when he said :” Man is what he eats. ” In 2015 Gabriel Olaoye Farinu, Professor of Animal Nutrition of the Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, delivered the 14th inaugural lecture of the University titled:”We are what we eat.” The lecture confirmed the position of the earlier writers.

Even though eating pork is Harām, Islam leaves room for its consumption in excruciating circumstances such as during war time or when one is on a journey without any food except pork and one does not know when Halāl food will be available. In order to preserve human life that is threatened by starvation, a Muslim is permitted to eat it reluctantly. Q5:3 reads thus:” … But as for him, who is forced by severe hunger, with no inclination to sin…”

In Yorubaland, some medications are prepared with various ingredients that include pork. This type of medicine (Asejẹ) is Harām. It should not be consumed by any Muslim. Neither should any Alfa / Mallam be involved in preparing it for anyone. Rasūlullāh, (SAW), says that Allah does not make any Harām thing a cure of any disease. It is a disease and not a medicine.

Umm Salamah (RA), wife of the Prophet,(SAW) , reports that the Prophet,(SAW), said :” Allah has not placed a cure for your diseases in things that He has forbidden for you.” (Bayhaqī, Ibn Hibbān 1391).
Abū Ad-Dardā’ said :” Allah has sent down the disease and the remedy, and He has created for every disease a remedy, so treat disease but do not treat it with anything that is prohibited.” (Abū Dāwūd 3874)

Trading in pigs or working in a pig farm or in a hotel or a restaurant where pork, bacon, or pork byproducts are sold is not for any Muslim. Muslims are therefore enjoined to keep off from all rijsun (filth or impurities) Q.22:30 & 9: 95. Rasūlullāh,(SAW), made us understand that making money from Harām is also Harām. The Noble Prophet (SAW), said: “When Allah forbids a thing, He also forbids its price.” Abū Dāwūd 3488 & An- Nasā’ī 4673.

As Muslims, it behoves us to ascertain from the Sharī’ah point of view all the time, the status of any food or drink we want to consume. They must be Halāl and Tayyib. Likewise, we must not be involved in any trade or business that is not Halāl, nor Tayyib.


Written by: Anjola Annabi
13th Jumādal Ūlā 1446 / 15th November 2024

Source: Seyyada Bilkis Grillo
Coordinating Secretary, Ahlu-l-Faydah Global Peace and Leadership Foundation

Compiled and Edited: Abdulmalik King Suleiman
Project Director, AMDC
+234 806 617 4070