As-Salamu Alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh.



One of the topics many people don’t want to discuss is death. They are afraid of it. They do not want to think of it because according to them, “it is not their portion.” They desire to live forever if possible.

Allah, however, confronts man with the reality of death when He says, “The death that you run away from will surely meet you.” (Q.62:8) Nobody will live forever. Every soul shall taste death (Q.21:34-35).

The Qur’an describes the Jews and the polytheists (mushrikūn) as the people who are more covetous of this life, wishing to spend a thousand years in this world (Q.2: 96). Everyone is created for a specific period. They will not exceed the period and neither will they hasten it (Q.6:2; 22:5 & 10:49). What behoves man, therefore, is to prepare for death all the time and stop praying to Allah to grant him a long life. Doing that gives a false hope instead of facing reality and preparing for death. It makes man engage in procrastination by not doing the needful as expected of him by Allah. When a Muslim does the right things, he will be happy to meet his Creator any time because he has been praying for the acceptance of his dua’a. He has prayed for Allah’s forgiveness and mercy while he continues to be righteous. Q.2:112 assures that no Muslim will be unjustly treated by Allah (Q.4:77 & 9: 120).

Such a Muslim will always prepare to meet Allah while Allah, too, shall be pleased to receive him anytime. That is the assurance given to Muslims by Rasūlullāh (SAW), when he said according to ‘Ubādah that whoever loves to meet Allah, Allah, too, will love to meet him and whoever hates to meet Allah, Allah hates to meet him.” (An-Nasā’ī 1836).

The clamour of wanting to live long should not be the concern of any Muslim on the basis of the instructions of Rasūlullāh (SAW), that Muslims should be in this world as strangers (in transit) or road crossers moving to their permanent abode ( Bukhārī 6416). Muslims who have taken to the instructions of the Prophet would therefore be preparing to go there at any time by doing good deeds always while shunning evil deeds and all forms of abominations.

Rasūlullāh (SAW) wants Muslims to be conscious of death every day and prepare for it when he instructs that whoever has something to bequeath should not die intestate. According to Abdullāh ibn ‘Umar, Rasūlullāh (SAW), says, “It is not proper for a Muslim who has got something to bequeath to spend even three nights without having his will written down with him regarding it.” ‘Abdullāh b. ‘Umar said:” Ever since I heard Allah’s Messenger (SAW) say this, I have not spent a night without having my will (written) along with me.” (Sahīh Muslim 3990)

Q.2:95 makes us understand that the evil committed by man made him to be afraid of death. He is conscious of the consequences of his bad deeds. That notwithstanding, Allah has given hope to the hopeless that their sins shall be forgiven if only they repent, seek Allah’s forgiveness, and resolve never to be disobedient to Allah. He shall forgive repentant sinners and shower mercy upon them (Q.71:10-12 & 39:53)

We should all go back to Allah penitently with a sincere resolution to turn a new leaf. Allah will forgive our sins and shower His blessings upon us. If we die in such a pensive state of complete submission to Allah, we are sure of heroic welcome in the hereafter with the angels saying, ” O you soul at peace. Return to your Lord well pleased and well pleasing. Enter among My servants. Enter My Paradise.” (Q.89:27-30)

With the above stated good tidings, no dutiful Muslim should be afraid of death. Everyone should watch over his/her Īman (Faith), continue to do good as enjoined in various places in the Qur’an while they continue praying to Allah for the acceptance of their Ibādāt (Act of Worship). Any Muslim in this condition has prepared well for his/her hereafter. Al-Jannah is their abode, and nobody enters it except after tasting death.

Death is inevitable. Let’s prepare for it.

WRITTEN BY: Anjola Annabi

SOURCE: Seyyada Bilkis Grillo
Coordinating Secretary, Ahlu-l-Faydah Global Peace and Leadership Foundation

EDITED BY: Abdulmalik King Suleiman
Project Director, AMDC