Islam places profound importance on the role of mothers, emphasizing their unique position as the source of unconditional love, mercy, and guidance. The Qur’an and Hadith speak extensively about the honor, respect, and kindness owed to mothers, elevating them to a rank that requires special recognition. One of the most famous stories in Islamic tradition that highlights the importance of a mother’s role and the special place she holds in the eyes of Allah is that of a man who sought the Prophet Muhammad’s (peace be upon him) advice on serving his mother. This story, along with others, illustrates the incredible value and weight Islam places on the mother-child relationship.


Before diving into specific stories, it is essential to understand the general guidance Islam provides on the status of mothers. The Qur’an commands believers to show kindness and care to their parents, especially their mothers, recognizing the sacrifices they make. Allah says:

“And We have enjoined upon man [care] for his parents. His mother carried him, [increasing her] in weakness upon weakness, and his weaning is in two years. Be grateful to Me and to your parents; to Me is the [final] destination.”

This verse highlights the physical and emotional struggles a mother endures in carrying, birthing, and raising her child, instructing the child to recognize and appreciate these sacrifices.

Similarly, in a famous Hadith, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) places immense emphasis on the mother’s role. A man once came to the Prophet and asked, “Who among the people is most deserving of my good treatment?” The Prophet replied, “Your mother.” The man asked again, “Then who?” The Prophet said, “Your mother.” The man repeated the question a third time, and the Prophet again replied, “Your mother.” Only when the man asked for the fourth time did the Prophet say, “Your father.” (Sahih al-Bukhari 5971; Sahih Muslim 2548).

This Hadith establishes the unparalleled position of the mother in Islam, underscoring that she is deserving of the greatest honor, kindness, and care.

THE STORY OF UWAIS AL-QARNI: A Man Who Honored His Mother

Among the stories of remarkable individuals who epitomize the Islamic teaching of honoring one’s mother, the story of Uwais al-Qarni stands out. Uwais was a man from Yemen who lived during the time of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Though he never met the Prophet in person, Uwais was deeply loved by Allah and His Messenger because of the devotion he showed to his mother.

Uwais was a simple man, poor and unknown to many, yet he was renowned in the heavens for his immense piety and care for his mother. His mother was elderly and ill, and Uwais dedicated his life to looking after her, sacrificing many of his personal desires for her well-being. His mother had only one request from him — to make the pilgrimage (Hajj) to Mecca. However, due to her fragile condition, she could not travel, and Uwais chose to stay behind to care for her instead of fulfilling his own dream of visiting the Prophet.

Uwais’ sincerity and commitment to his mother did not go unnoticed by Allah. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), though he never met Uwais, spoke highly of him to his companions. He once said, “There will come to you a man from Yemen, named Uwais, from the tribe of Qarni. He had leprosy, which was cured except for a small spot the size of a coin. He has a mother whom he honors. If he swears an oath by Allah, Allah will surely fulfill it. If you meet him, ask him to seek forgiveness for you.” (Sahih Muslim 2542)

The Prophet’s companions were amazed by this, as Uwais was a humble and unknown figure. After the Prophet’s passing, the Caliph Umar ibn al-Khattab and the companion Ali ibn Abi Talib actively sought out Uwais during the pilgrimage. When they found him, they asked him to pray for them as the Prophet had instructed. Uwais, in his humility, was surprised that such great companions of the Prophet would seek his prayers, but it was due to his devotion to his mother that Allah had elevated his status.

This story beautifully illustrates how the blessings of honoring one’s mother can elevate a person in the sight of Allah, even if they remain unknown or unremarkable in worldly terms.

THE STORY OF ALQAMAH: The Importance of a Mother’s Blessing

Another notable story that highlights the significance of treating one’s mother well is the story of Alqamah, a companion of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Alqamah was a young man known for his devotion to prayer, fasting, and charity. However, when he fell gravely ill, his condition worsened to the point that he was unable to recite the Shahada (the Islamic testimony of faith) on his deathbed. His wife, worried about his state, sent for the Prophet to seek guidance.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) sent for Alqamah’s mother and asked her about her relationship with her son. She explained that although Alqamah was a pious man, he had neglected her at times in favor of his wife. The Prophet then asked her to forgive Alqamah, but in her pain and resentment, she refused. The Prophet, understanding the gravity of the situation, ordered his companions to gather firewood to light a fire, which alarmed Alqamah’s mother.

“O Messenger of Allah, will you burn my son in front of me?” she asked, to which the Prophet replied, “The punishment in the Hereafter is much greater than this. If you want Allah to forgive him, you must forgive him first.” Realizing the weight of her anger, Alqamah’s mother forgave him, and immediately, Alqamah was able to recite the Shahada and passed away peacefully.

This story serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of a mother’s blessing in Islam. No amount of outward piety can compensate for the neglect or mistreatment of one’s mother. Her satisfaction is linked to Allah’s satisfaction, and her displeasure can have severe consequences for her children.

In summary, Islam holds mothers in the highest regard, emphasizing their rights, sacrifices, and the respect owed to them. The stories of Uwais al-Qarni and Alqamah illustrate that honoring one’s mother is not only a moral duty but also a path to spiritual elevation and success in the Hereafter. Mothers are the embodiment of love, compassion, and selflessness, and their status in Islam reflects the immense value they hold in shaping the lives and character of their children. By treating mothers with kindness, respect, and care, believers fulfill a crucial part of their faith and draw closer to Allah’s mercy and blessings.

Compiled by:
Suleiman, Abdulmalik King
Project Director, AMDC