Showering Blessings & Peace Upon The Prophet Muhammad saaws

Calling on Allah to bless the Prophet, saaws , and also saluting him with greetings of peace is very common among Muslims. It is done in conformity with the Qur’anic injunction (Q33:56) that calls on them to do so. We are not alone in doing it. Almighty Allah and His angels are also doing so. We are lucky to have been invited by Allah to join them in the exercise. It is apt to note that this is the only act of ‘ Ibādah that Allah and His angels take part in. He does not perform ritual Salāt nor fast, nor embark on Hajj.

The significance of the exercise can be viewed from various perspectives. But what really strikes me most is the humble personality of the Prophet, saaws , who is here depicted as another human being in need of the blessings of Allah. This, no doubt, is a lesson to be learnt. No matter how highly placed one may be or how spiritually elevated one is, man still requires lots of divine blessings until eternity. This may be the reason why Allah warns against self aggrandisement or ascribing holiness or piety to oneself ( Q53:32 ).

Making As-Salāt for the Prophet means blessing him. But in reality, are we in the position to bless him? Do we have the power or means to do so? We can not, and that is why we call on Allah to bless the Prophet, saaws .

How do we do the Salāt?
The Sahābah who were present with the Prophet, saaws , when this injunction was revealed, wanted to know from him how to go about it.
The Prophet, saaws , was reported to have taught them what to recite. Various version of As-Salāt have been reported, though they mostly border on Salāt Ibrāhīmiyyah in its variety. Did the Prophet, saaws , dictate all the different versions to the Sahābah? Could it be that he dictated them to different people on different occasions? If not, then something is wrong somewhere. Even Sahīh Al-Bukhārī believed to be the most authentic collection of Hadith contains more than one version of Salāt Ibrāhīmiyyah. Other versions in other Hadith collections equally have acceptable Isnād that are not weak or fabricated. Further research on this matter is likely to reveal new findings.

The instruction in Q33:56 is that we should shower blessings upon the Prophet and salute him with greetings of peace, that is, to wish him well and safe from all harm. The Prophet, saaws , however directed that such good prayer and good wishes should be extended to the members of his family. Ordinarily it would have sufficed to say ” Allāhumma Salli ‘alā Muhammad wa Sallim “, but in response to the wish of the Prophet, saaws , we say ” Allāhumma Salli ‘alā Muhammad, wa ‘alā ālihi wa Sallim ” meaning – “May Allah bless Muhammad and his family and grant them peace.”

When is As-Salāt said for the Prophet, saaws ?
Many specific times have been mentioned as the time to say As-Salāt for the Prophet, saaws . They include the following:

1. Whenever his name is mentioned.
This is based on the Hadith of Anas reporting the Prophet, saaws saying: ” Whoever my name is mentioned in his presence should make As-Salāt for me.”
(An-Nasā’ī, As-Sunan al-Kubrā 9889 )
In Abū Hurayrah’s narration, he, saaws , was reported saying:” He is stingy, he who does not make As-Salāt for me when I am mentioned in his presence.” Abu Hurayrah, in another Hadith, reported the Prophet, saaws , saying :” Shame on him in whose presence I am mentioned and he does not make As-Salāt for me ” ( At-Tirmidhī 3546 ).

2. As-Salāt is also made for the Prophet, saaws , in writing whenever his name is written.
The Prophet, saaws , in a Hadith narrated by many people including Ibn ‘Abbās and Abū Hurayrah said :” Whoever makes As-Salāt for me in writing will receive perpetual blessings as long as the Salāt remains in it.” Even though the Hadith has been declared a weak hadīth, many writers do not bother about its status. The Salāt is written in abbreviated form such as saaws , SAW , PBUH, PBOH by some writers, while others prefer writing it in full as Salla Allāhu ‘Alayhi wa Sallam, meaning “Blessings and peace of Allah be upon him.” This is done whenever the name is written throughout the writing.

3. As-Salāt is made for the Prophet, saaws , by every Muslim, male, or female in Ritual Salāt in the last Tashahhud .

It is the Salāt Ibrāhīmiyyah that is recited and not any other form of As-Salāt. Imam Shāfi’ in his opinion, says that the ritual prayer of a Muslim who fails to recite As-Salāt for the Prophet in his / her ritual prayer has offered an unsound ritual prayer. In other words, recitation of As-Salāt in ritual prayer contributes to its soundness.

4. Salāt Ibrāhīmiyyah is also recited after the second Takbīrah of Salātul Janāzah (Funeral Prayer).

5. On Friday.
The Prophet, saaws , said: ” Make lots of As-Salāt for me on Friday and in its night ( that is from Maghrib of Thursday). He, saaws , said: ” Your As-Salāt is presented to me.” Someone asked him, saaws , concerning making it after his death. He, saaws , said:” Allah forbids the eating of the bodies of Prophets by the earth. ” (Abū Dāwud, 1047, An-Nasā’ī 1374, and Ibn Mājah 1636). By implication, the Prophet, saaws , is alive eschatologically ( Hayātan barzakhiyatan ) just like martyrs who are not dead but alive (Q3:169).

In another Hadith narrated by Abū Hurayrah, the Prophet, saaws , said:” No one makes Salutation of Peace for me except that Allah returns my soul back to me till I return his Salutation ” (Abū Dāwud 2041). Therefore, as long as Salutation of Peace is sent to the Prophet, saaws , his soul shall continue to be with him, and he shall remain alive eschatologically .

Salla Allāhu ‘Alayhi wa Sallam. !!!

To be concluded ‘ In shā’a Allah .


Anjola Annabi
24th Rabī’ul Awwal 1446 / 27th September 2024