Loving Prophet Muhammad, saaws

Love is an intrinsic value cherished by Islam that it attempts to impart to Muslims. They are expected to ímbue it, cultivate it and share it among themselves in particular, and humanity in general. When it is cultivated, peace reigns, and no room is created for hatred, which often leads to disharmony and disintegration in society.

Islam begins by laying emphasis on love among Muslims and, of course, loving the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad, saaws . This is significant for various reasons, but most important is endearing him to the Ummah. It is natural for a lover to want to share things with his lover, to be with him always, and to identify with his ideals, goals, and aspirations. No doubt, love causes a lover to love what is dear to the beloved. That explains why Rasūlullāh, saaws , claims that no one can be a Mu’min (believer) unless his desire conforms with what he, saaws , has brought in form of belief, teachings, way of life, precepts, etc.

It was related from Abū Muhammad Abdullāh bin ‘Amr bin al-Ās that the Prophet, saaws , said:” None of you believes until his desires follow what I have brought.” (An-Nawawī 41). Though the Hadith is said to be weak by some scholars, its message is in tandem with Q33:21, which describes Rasūlullāh, saaws , as possessor of lofty morals, excellent exemplar.

For a Muslim to be elevated to a higher spiritual level, he/she is expected, among other things, to love the Prophet Muhammad, saaws ardently. When he/she loves him dearly, they transform to become a Mu’min or a Mu’minah , a believer in the personality of the Prophet, as a Messenger of Allah as well as in his mission, while they internalise the message and actualise it to the best of their ability. In point of fact, their love for the Prophet, saaws , is expected to be unparalleled, as it is greater than that, which they have for anyone else or any material thing.

Anas b. Malik narrated that Rasūlullāh , saaws , said: “None of you truly believes until I am more beloved to him than his father, his child and all human beings”. ( Al-Bukhārī 15 & Muslim 44)

The Mu’minūn ( believers ) hold the Prophet Muhammad, saaws , in a very high esteem than themselves ( Q33:6).

‘Abdullaāh b. Hishām reported that ‘Umar b. Al-Khattab said to the Prophet, saaws : “O Allah’s Messenger, you are dearer to me than everything except my own self.” The Messenger replied: ” No, by Him in Whose hand my soul is, you will not have complete faith (‘Īmān) till I am dearer to you than your own self “. Then ‘Umar said to him, :” By Allah, you are dearer to me than my own self.’ ‘It is now (you are a Mu’min ), ‘ says Rasūlullāh , saaws’ “ . (Al-Bukhārī 6632)

Loving the Prophet Muhammad, saaws , is expected of every Muslim after his love for Allah. This is inferred in Q9:24. This shows that nothing should be dearer to a Muslim than Allah, the Prophet, saaws , and Jihād – striving in Allah’s cause.
It is instructive to note that the love for the Prophet, saaws , comes immediately after one’s love for Allah and before Jihād . The Qur’an says :
“If your fathers and your children and your brothers and your wives and your kinsfolk and the wealth you have acquired, and trade whose dullness you fear, and mansions you love, are dearer to you than Allah and His Messenger and striving in His way ( Jihād ) then wait till Allah brings His command to pass…” Q9:24.

It is only when Allah and His Rasūl saaw are loved and placed over and above any of one’s family members and humanly cherished values and material assets mentioned in the Qur’anic ayah that a Muslim will live a meaningful Islamic life, which is not diluted or corrupted by any consideration other than the wish of Allah at all times (Q33:36).

The significance of loving Allah and the Prophet, saaws , is demonstrated in a hadith narrated by Anas b. Malik who said that a man asked the Prophet, saaws , about the Hour (i.e., Day of Judgment) saying: When will the Hour be? The Prophet, saaws , replied :”What have you prepared for it? ” The man said: “Nothing, except that I love Allah and His Messenger. ” The Prophet said: ” You will be with those whom you love.” Anas said further that “we had never been so glad as we were on hearing that Hadith of the Prophet ( i.e. , You will be with those whom you love). Therefore, I love the Prophet, Abū Bakr, and ‘Umar, and I hope that I will be with them because of my love for them, though my deeds are not similar to theirs.” (Al-Bukhārī 6171)

The Prophet Muhammad, saaws , no doubt, deserves our genuine love especially in appreciation of his selfless sufferings and persecutions in the hand of Quraysh in Makkah who hated him for introducing a new religion, a new way of life different from what they met their fathers practising. In spite of the many obstacles, he was able to deliver his message. He preached and put into practice Allah’s last message to humankind. But for his efforts, the world would have remained in darkness. Through his message, humankind has been led into light. He has provided the everlasting guidance and solution to all human problems for whoever cares to benefit from it. After all, he is an embodiment of mercy to the whole worlds (Q14:1 ; 33:45-46; 42:52 and 21:107).
If we follow Allah’s instructions faithfully and conscientiously and emulate the Sunnah of Rasūlullāh , saaws , to the best of our ability, we shall be blessed eternally (Q3:132).

Our love for him can be demonstrated by practising his Sunnah, his way of life, and earn a bountiful reward of being very close to him in Paradise. The Prophet, saaws, says: ” Whoever keeps my Tradition alive (by observing it as I did) really loves me, and whoever loves me will be with me in Al-Jannah “. ( Al- Tirmidhī 2678)

Loving the Prophet, saaws , is mandatory for all Muslims before they can become believers (Mu’minūn). No Muslim can claim to have ‘ Īmān (faith) if he / she does not love the Prophet, saaws , which must be demonstrated in modelling their life pattern after that of the Noble Teacher, and Pragmatic Leader who is full of passion, empathy, and compassion for his followers. Q9:128

Interestingly Rasūlullāh, saaws , prophesied that some Muslims would come later after his death who would love him passionately even at the expense of their families and wealth. See Sahih Muslim 2832 . Are you one of them? If not, why not?

Salla Allāhu ‘ Alayhi Wa Sallam !!!


Anjola Annabi
17th Rabi’ul-Awwal 1446 / 20th September 2024